Am I a Candidate for Teeth in One Day Dental ImplantsIf you suffer from missing teeth or severely damaged teeth that are simply beyond repair, it’s likely that you’ve done some research and want to know if there’s a solution for you. After all, a damaged smile can take a dramatic blow on your confidence, and nobody deserves to feel like they can’t smile to the fullest simply because of the way their teeth look!

If you find yourself in this predicament, Teeth in One Day dental implants may be an option you should consider. Dental implant surgery is a great way to efficiently replace all missing or damaged teeth to get your smile back to looking its best. Better yet, this procedure can be completed in a single day! Before booking your appointment, you should take into account the various factors that may affect your candidacy, however.

Let’s take a look at some of the questions you should ask yourself to identify whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants.

How New Teeth in One Day Dental Implants Work

In case you’re relatively new to the topic of new teeth in Teeth in One Day dental implants, let’s discuss precisely what the procedure is and how it works.

This new, innovative procedure involves setting four to six uniquely designed teeth implants in places where the bone is the densest and high in volume. This ensures stable, long-lasting teeth that you can count on. Considering that this new procedure all but eliminates the need for bone grafting, Teeth in One Day Dental Implants is a faster and more affordable way to correct the issue of missing or damaged teeth. Best of all, these teeth implant replacements look, feel, and operate identically to that of real teeth

Now on to the questions you should ask yourself.

Do You Have Damaged or Missing Teeth?

It goes without saying that to be considered a candidate for the Teeth in One Day dental implant procedure, you have actually to be in need of implants. This means that you should have damaged or missing teeth.

Additionally, those that are missing only a single tooth or only have one tooth in need of replacement aren’t candidates for this procedure. The Teeth in One Day dental implant procedure is meant to deliver drastic results to those in need of treatment for the entire upper arch, lower arch, or both.

Are You in Good Health?

The next question to ask yourself is whether or not you’re in good health. If your dentist doesn’t believe you to meet reasonable health standards, it is unlikely that they will recommend the Teeth in One Day dental implant procedure for you. In some cases, they may even directly prevent you from receiving this treatment. Your provider will take your past medical history into account when you inquire about booking an appointment for the procedure.

Some health conditions that could affect your candidacy for this procedure include:

Do You Have Present Bone Mass in Your Jaw?

Past dental implant procedures require that the bone of your jaw possess proper mass and density. Some patients have such existing damage to their jaw through the process of losing their teeth that they would not be eligible for these procedures.

If this is a concern to you, we have good news! The Teeth in One Day treatment does not require that your jaw fit a certain standard in regards to damage because it can directly fuse implants with stronger bone tissue. This is a huge plus as it eliminates the need for any form of bone grafting- saving you time and money!

Want to Learn More About the New Teeth in One Day Treatment?

Are you interested in learning more about the New Teeth in One Day treatment? If so, BC Perio Dental Health & Implant Centre is here to help! Our knowledgeable specialists can answer any of your questions. We’ll help you determine whether or not you are a candidate for this procedure and help to create a specialized treatment plan with your unique needs in mind!

Contact BC Perio Dental Health & Implant Centre today or stop by one of our office locations in either Vancouver or Coquitlam to book an appointment today!