BC Perio Dental Health & Implant Centre

Implant Streamline Program

Co-managing treatments can permit you to accept more new patients while maintaining the same high level of care. Our Implant Streamline Program involves our doctors completing some treatment steps in order to facilitate the restoration of implants in your office.

Treatment steps may include taking an impression of the implants and sending it to the lab, selecting and seating the final abutments, and/or provisionalizing the case. Furthermore, with the use of digital impressioning systems, this process becomes streamlined. Our doctors are willing to facilitate the restoration of implants in your office by saving you multiple appointments for each case. We are happy to assist in consultations as well.

Our Implant Streamline Program is an optional program that is designed with a high degree of flexibility in regards to the level of treatment requested by our referring doctors. We aim to cater this program to each specific referring doctor’s wishes for each specific case.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the benefits associated with this referral program. Please contact us at your convenience.

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The doctors at BC Perio Dental Health and Implant Centre specialize in all facets of periodontal and surgical therapy, with a strong focus on dental implant treatments that can replace single, multiple, or all missing teeth.